24 Day Challenge What is It?

The 24 Day Challenge
 Click Link above to see this amazing program.

This is the program that is SWEEPING THE COUNTRY
Average Weight Loss 10 lbs in 24 Days


You are not in this alone, we will provide you with guidelines for the program and a complete grocery list, and communicate with you on a regular basis to make sure you reach your goals.


The Cleanse Phase

The MAX Phase


From Anastasia Becvar

My husband asked me to write out something I shared with him this
morning. I did, and when he read it, he said, "That's awesome, honey.
Tell the world." LOL, so I am sending this to my full contact list. I
believe there is something in this for everyone. I am afraid of being
judged, of course, or of offending people with a "spam" message. But
it's my truth, and I think it's important to share, so here goes:

132. What does that number mean? It means it’s a lie that it takes 9+
months to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. It means it’s a lie
that once you turn 30, it’s harder to lose weight. It means it’s a lie
that you have to spend hours a day in the gym or eat like a rabbit to
slim down. It means it’s a lie that you have to take medication or
shots to make a change in the way you feel or look.

Today I am 132 pounds. That number means I am in my size 4s. That
number means I am not embarrassed to wear a swimsuit and go paddle
boarding with friends today. That number means I can plan an outfit in
my head, go to the closet, put it on, and like the way it looks. Any
outfit. That number means I am not preoccupied and defeated by the
number on the scale!

On December 9, the day before I delivered our son, I weighed 178
pounds. I was terrified that I would never have my body back, that
part of motherhood was saying goodbye to feeling good about the way I
looked, that I would be too busy, too tired, too spread thin to do
what it would take to get back in shape. I AM SO HAPPY THAT ALL THAT

So many people have asked, “What are you doing?” and I have been shy
about it, because I was afraid people would think I was just trying to
sell them something, but this morning I realized I can HELP so many
people if I just open my mouth and share what I have been doing. So,
if you’re interested, here goes:

Since January, I have done a few simple things:

1) I was open and honest with a few people about my goals, struggles,
and successes. I asked God for strength, and I tried to learn more
about what the Bible says about me and my health.

2) I have reserved sweets/treats/diet soda to special occasions only.

3) I have eaten 5 meals/day averaging about 300-350 calories each,
with a minimum of 10 grams of protein and maximum of 30 grams of
carbohydrates each, including lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

4) I have eliminated starches from my meals after 3pm

5) I have had 80 ounces or more of water per day.

6) I have worked out 3 times per week (4 months at home only), with a
combination of cardio and full-body weight training.

7) I was patient with my body. I did not get discouraged by the slow
speed of my weight loss. I knew if I could average even a pound a week
I was doing great, and was losing weight that would actually stay off.
There were many weeks when the scale did not budge, but I just kept
plugging ahead, knowing that eventually I would see results if I stuck
with it.

8) I have stayed consistent with my supplementation and vitamins. Will
and I use multivitamins, protein shakes, and sugar free energy drinks
from a company called Advocare because their products are tested by a
third party company to insure safety, even for nursing moms. Those
keep my energy up, keep my body properly fueled, keep me regular in
the restroom, and reduce cravings. It is not a magic pill – I still
had to make smart choices, but I know I couldn’t have done this
without that nutritional support. In fact, we love the products so
much we began building a side business last year, and because of that
I am now able to be a full-time stay at home mom (but that’s another
story). So I CAN sell you something, but it’s more than that. It’s
how I get to feel this great, and I want that for you, too.

9) I have managed to do all of that about 70% of the time. In other
words, I wasn’t perfect, but I kept it up with pretty good

And you know what? Looking back, it seems easy. I am nowhere near
finished. I feel like I am just getting started! I feel amazing! I
have so much energy! I am excited to tone up even more and bring my
body fat down! My prayer is that this helps and encourages you or
someone you care about. It can be so frustrating to struggle and fail
in this area, but it is so rewarding when you get hold of it. Life is
about more than a number on the scale, but unless we are healthy and
feel good, we can't get the most out of life. And that’s the truth.
All of it.

Thanks for listening,

Anastasia Becvar